Dr. Pastrana does oral exams, dental power floating, and basic extractions. We can perform dental X-rays in the field as well to examine tooth roots and sinuses. We recommend yearly oral exams in order to prevent large points and hooks which cause discomfort and to check for loose or fractured teeth.

We recommend a 6 way in the Spring (EEE/WEE/WNV/EHV/Flu/Tetanus) and Rhino/Flu and Rabies in the Fall. We can also manage pregnancy vaccines for your broodmare to reduce the risk of abortion.

Metabolic Disease Management
We offer testing for Cushing’s disease and Insulin Resistance/Dysregulation as well as routine bloodwork. We can guide you through management of these conditions with medications and supplements – And we now offer monthly INJECTABLE Thyroid and weekly INJECTABLE Pergolide.

Acupuncture has been used to treat various medical conditions in both humans and animals for over 3,000 years. At Sorum Veterinary Services we are pleased to offer equine acupuncture to our clients as a treatment option for several conditions including musculoskeletal disorders, back pain, and to minimize the side effects of chemotherapy.